
Happy Easter

Oh the excitement of coloring eggs. The process has gotten much easier and less tedious as the girls have gotten older. Baby had no patience for the process and wouldn’t let them stay in for longer than a minute. I think it took her six minutes, tops, to finish all of her eggs. The other two took their time and mixed colors, etc. Almost seems a shame to eat them.

As we were driving to Tulsa the other day, I turned around to the back seat to find Ava pulling the collar of her shirt down to her bellybutton. She was looking intently at her chest. When I asked her what she was doing she looked up, smiled and said, “My boobies – they’re perfect!”

What do you say to that?


She refused to pull that tooth. It dangled by nothing but her pure will power for the past two weeks. She hasn’t been able to bite in to any food. But tonight, finally, she messed with it and it fell out. She is so proud of that gap-toothed grin! We put the tooth in a tooth fairy jar and she stuck it under her pillow. She then came in about fifteen minutes later, crying, because she lost the tooth fairy jar. I told her that if the tooth fairy isn’t able to find it tonight, we will search for it tomorrow.


We traveled to see friends in OK last weekend.

Bubba and their daughter have formed a band. I believe they are still coming up with a name but we did hear lots of loud jamming and laughter.

(and they really were having fun, I don’t know why they weren’t smiling in any of these.)

The rest of the time the kids were playing, climbing trees, swinging from jump ropes, swimming, eating bacon and just having a blast together. It’s always really difficult for them to leave each other and the drive home always feels melancholy.


We have a new nephew! Today we finally got rid of our sicknesses and were able to meet him. He is fabulous and the girls are completely smitten with him.


It was a full one. Bubba had her first soccer game on her new team. It never ceases to amaze me how much I enjoy watching my own kids’ sports and programs. It wasn’t bitterly cold, but windy and cold enough that I wouldn’t have been sitting outside for any other reason that day.

Later that evening there was a roundhouse competition/foosball tournament at our place. Dad won the kicking contest!

We also added a new member to the family. Meet Dixie. Axel was insanely excited when we brought her home, but she was less than thrilled that he was bouncing around her, delirious with joy. She warmed up, though, and by morning they were the best of friends.

We were able to spend Sunday with lots of extended family. I was too busy eating and talking to take many pictures, which I now regret.

Intros – Baby

Intros – Mimi

Intros – Bub